Pharmacy in Horn
Photo: Paul Ott
Museum portal Niedersulz
Competition winning project. Awards: climate: klima:aktiv gold 965/1000 points, Timber Construction Award 2012. The museum portal acts as a transition from today to the past
Photo: ah3 (Christoph Österreicher)
Halle Holztechnik Hauer
Timber Construction Award 2009 category utility construction
Photo: ah3: Martin Wagensonner
ELLA Charching Station
A commercial building as corporate design - to find throughout Austria
Photo: AH3: Christoph Österreicher
Accountant´s office St. Pölten
Winning project private competition. Modern and innovative office structure, a clearly structured layout
Photo: Dieter Schewig:
Commercial, letzte Aktualisierung: 08. August 2016.